de Mamás
Embarazo Sano
Un Té Para Premamas. Se llama Expectancy Tea, o te de la
buena esperanza, y dicen que te ayudar á a evitar las molestias.
Es de Mondo Sibaris y lo encuentras en tiendas delicatessen.
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The Grove - December 2008
Individually packaged organic loose-leaf teabags with names like
Happiness and Love Love.
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Off the Shelf – Gifts for Her
Fresh Magazine – December 2008
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what’s the new black?
The List – October 2008
Happiness Tea from Today was Fun – There’s something
engaging about the way this range of teas is packaged ad marketed.
It’s a well judged cocktail of rosemary, hibiscus flowers
and cardamon that slowly turns the water deep pink. There’s
a bit of Sunday roast on the nose but an amazing two – layered
taste. (5 stars)
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Vogue – February 2008
Turn over a new leaf with a purifying herbal tea – some even
offer beauty benefits.
Love Love Tea a winter warming blend.
Green green Tea carbon neutral and packed with anti-oxidants.
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it says on the tin
Marie Claire – February
Today was Fun’s manifesto - “to put something nice out
into the world. To have fun doing it. To learn something from doing
it. To drink a lot more tea doing it. And to start doing it today’
- is enough to make you rush out and buy endless (recyclable) packs
of its Inspiration and Friendship teas. Its products are all natural,
organic and certified by the Soil Association, too. The Love Love
Tea and organic biscuits are ideal for Valentine’s Day.
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at the top of the eco tree
You Magazine – Mail on Sunday
January 2008
Never before has the plight of the planet been so prominent in our
minds. And these 20 inspiring women are flying the green flag for
Sharyn Wortman owner of organic tea brand Today was Fun. Sharyn’s
carbon-neutral company sells its teas with quirky names such as
Love Love, Friendship and Inspiration to more than 150 retailers.
Worth putting the kettle on for.

Plaers D’avui+ – D’Octubre del 2008
Enamora’t del te Distribuits a Catalunya per Mondo Sibaris,
els tes Tea and Philosophy ofereixen un producte de primera qualitat
embolcallat d’una mica filosofia. Hi ha un te de l’amor
(a la foto), de l’amistat, per dormir, de la bona experanca
i fins i tot de la inspiracio. Cadascun va en up paquet que descriu
de manera poetica les sensacions que transmeten aquestes emocions.
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BBC Easy Cook Magazine – Christmas 2008
With teas for friendship, happiness, inspiration, sleep and love
wrapped up in this star, tea fans will love selecting which one
to try first.
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Red Magazine – December 2008
This Teastar conceals two bags of each Happiness, Inspiration ,
Sleepy, Love Love and Friendship Teas.
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Delicious Magazine – November 2008
This snazzy star-shaped box contains a mix of nicely wrapped organic
loose – leaf teabags - a great way to wrap up different flavours.
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and Sympathy
Stella Magazine – Mail on Sunday
March 2008
Why is dinner always thought of as the king of meals? ‘We
must have you round to dinner’ seems to slip inevitably out
of one’s mouth as soon as a friendship reaches a certain stage.
But how much more fun life would be, for lots of reasons, if we
had people round for afternoon tea instead…
was reminded of the joys of tea at an unlikely Sunday-afternoon
event hosted in the Clapham offices of a small company, Today was
Fun which sells organic herbal teas. We drank Sharyn’s Love
Love tea a gorgeous mixture of rose and liquorice from bone-china
cups and saucers. The food was abundant and anarchic….
main guests at this lovely tea were old people, some of whom hadn’t
left the house in weeks. They had been driven there by volunteers
for Contact the Elderly. Contact the Elderly is a charity currently
supported by Today was Fun’s Friendship Tea) with an encouraging
faith in the power of afternoon tea….
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& Cookies by Today was Fun
Gay Times – February 2008
This neat little tin has a double heart. The top section contains
a 30g serving of Love Love Tea, an aromatic blend of whole organic
rose buds and petals with coriander and liquorice root. The bottom
compartment holds three small packs of handmade heart-shaped organic
shortbread biscuits.